The chainsaw, at first sight, can seem to be a pretty useful tool for felling. It seems to make the job easier and quicker. But in the haste of getting things done quickly. Do not forget that a slight error in judgment while using a chainsaw can be lethal.
Preferably, chainsaws must be used by professionals at the craft. Novice must stay away and must use the machine after proper training. The following data put forward by the CDC is enough to emphasize chainsaw safety tips. Nearly 36,000 people end up in the emergency ward of the hospitals.
(*Centres for Disease Control and Prevention acronym CDC)
We have listed certain crucial tips, some of which, on the surface might seem too subtle, but when the time comes, it does save lives.
7 Most Essential Chainsaw Safety Tips:
1. Inspection of the area concerned
Safety begins much before you use the machine. Inspection must be treated as a standard protocol before beginning the process of felling. The area in consideration must be thoroughly checked. The inspection parameters depend on the nature of the location. Here, we will consider the usual aspects that need to be screened.
First and foremost, check for any wet patches post heavy rain. Further, look for debris around the spot. Run a check on the surroundings. Search for any settlement that can be at risk if things go wrong.
Last but not least, have an adequate medical kit. It will help in covering any minor injury that would otherwise flare-up, till the time you get professional medical care.
2. Inspect the chainsaw
A proper inspection of chainsaws is something that needs to be done regularly. Check any parts that are worn out or electrocuted. Timely replacement of worn-out parts can prevent potential hazards.
None of the safety tips can beat the importance of proper maintenance of chains. An out of shape chain with erratic edges can be quite dangerous. Remember, the revolutions of chains are propelled with a speed of over 60 mph.
3. Wear a proper PPE kit
After you have inspected the areas and the tools, it’s time to get to the task. But remember to wear proper personal protective equipment. Having an added precaution reduces the chances of grave injuries.
A PPE kit should include- tough headgear, noise cancellation aid (target reducing noise to 90 decibels), face mask, and chainsaw pants. The sturdy steel shoes demand separate mention as it must be used at all costs. None of the shoes can act as an alternative. These shows have steel plates to safeguard the toes and non-slip sole.
4. Follow the instruction
The manufacturing companies pen down a certain set of instructions and rules, which are essentially chainsaw safety tips. But unfortunately, people cannot get past worrying more about warranty certificates than actually reading the manuals.
Reading instruction manuals is as important as choosing the right chainsaw. A trained professional inevitably will have gone through manuals. But it is the novice who generally skip the rules and fall into trouble.
5. Make a habit for getting the stance right every time
There are situations where people tend to skip the routine and miss out on small things such as stance. On the surface stance, it might not come across as important. But, if you get the stance right, you nip the hazard down at the bud.
So, what is an ideal stance?
Firstly, learn to attain a balance while using a chainsaw by placing one foot behind the other. Secondly, try to have a firm grip on the machine for adjusting with the kickback motion. And finally, hold the machine closer to the body for gaining better control.
6. Avoiding the kickback zone
Kickback is quite similar to the motion of recoil. In the case of kickback, the equipment pushes up and backward towards the individual. It occurs when the top end of the bar gets jammed to an object in the path at which cut is being made.
Kickback motion can be more than a little dangerous considering the speed at which the blades move back. It is where having a firm grip helps in controlling the speed of backward motion. Further, the right stance reduces the risk of injury to the upper part of the body.
So, you can see how each safety rule is connected and can be a life saviour.
7. Clear the area during the process of felling
In the process of feeling, the spot must be constantly cleared. The unnecessary accumulation of logs can add to problems in case of mishappenings. There is a good chance that you might even aggravate the injuries due to the logs.
It is also advisable that you clear the path which has cut logs. Further, gathering near the spot should be avoided. Also, the bystanders should be at a minimum distance of 150feet from the spot.
Ending Notes
Yes, it takes effort to inculcate safety tips and make them a way of natural working. But the repercussions must be a good enough motivator to follow the chainsaw safety tips.
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