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Band Saw vs Table Saw: Which is Better for You?

By: David S. Miles | Last Updated: January 12, 2024

Band Saw vs Table SawWhen it comes to choosing between a band saw and a table saw, woodworkers should remember that a saw is as good as it can meet your needs. If the saw cannot meet your requirements, then it’s probably the wrong saw for you.

So when looking at a band saw vs table saw, it is important that you do so with this thought behind your head. It will help you to make an informed choice and end up with the right tool. If you are new to woodworking, taking your time while making a choice will make the difference.

Here is one of the best comparisons between the band saw and table saw. It will give you the right pointers to where you should look.

The Band Saw vs Table Saw What You Must Know

In comparing the band saw and the table saw, we can do so by looking at the following user parameters and features.


The band saw is designed to use a serrated blade. The blade is long and sharp-toothed. It is stretched in between two main rotating wheels that set it up, looking like a band. This gives the blade a continuous rotation and an easy vertical or horizontal function.

A table saw, on the other hand, is a cutting tool that’s made of a circular blade. The blade is mounted on and protrudes from a table. It then has an arbor, which is easily controlled using a motor through which you can push the wood and get an accurate and straight cut.

Type of Cut

Band Saw vs Table Saw

Band saws are best for making curved cuts. They work more or less the same as the scrolling saws. As such, you can use them to make scrolling cuts too, such as cabriole legs and other cool decorative cuts.

However, a table saw is used to make straight, accurate cuts. You can easily make these precise cuts by using the fence or the miter gauge slot, which makes the table saw an ideal tool for making bot rip and crosscuts.

Kerf Size

The band saw comes with very thin blades compared to the table saw’s circular blade. As such, you are using a band saw that would result in smaller kerfs and less waste of wood. You will also get less sawdust and even less resistance once you choose to rip through the pieces of wood.

The circular saw that’s found with the table saws is, however, larger in size. As such, the opposite is true about the table saw. You will get bigger kerfs, higher resistance, and more sawdust when using this saw.

Depth of Cut

Band Saw vs Table Saw

The table saw always has a maximum depth of cut that they can go for. This is often about 3.5 inches in most table saw models. This is unlike the band saw that you could use to cut through much thicker lumber. The band saw is, therefore, more versatile when compared to the table saws.


If you want a saw that will give you quiet operation, you should look for a band saw. The band saw is usually very quiet compared to the table saw. In this case, if noise is what you are looking to get away from, you may want to go with a band saw for now.

Cutting Edges

Table saws are used for smooth and precise cuts. The cuts are easy to fit and will give you the perfect alignment in most cases. The same cannot be said of the band saw. On the contrary, the band saw will give you rough edges after cuts, which you may need to provide an additional finishing touch.

Cutting Power

When it gets down to pure cutting and nothing more, a band saw is no match to the versatile table saw. It will cut slowly and will take a longer time compared to the table saw. This is irrespective of the size of wood that you are cutting through.

Beveling Power

Anyone who has used a table saw and a band saw will agree that a table saw offers better beveling than band saws. As such, anyone who wants to make straight and precise cuts at an angle should look for the table saws.

Even so, using the user manual to understand how to make the best cuts is very important. It will make your work easy and will leave you with the best experience with your type of saw. So, learn your saw to improve your touch.

NOTE: The choice of saw that you make between these two models will lie more towards what you want to use the saw for. These saws don’t operate in the same way, and they have fewer features to share. You cannot, therefore, push them down to a single-use. Take a saw that gives you the best cut on what you need.


Apart from what we have seen, here are some of the most common questions that users ask about band saws and table saws.

Which one is better, a table saw or bandsaw?

When looking at a table saw vs band saw, you’ll realize that a table saw makes much cleaner cuts than the band saw. The table saw is, therefore, ideal for cuts that need higher precision. In addition to that, the band saw is also sloppy and will not properly handle any large boards as well. So if you are a newbie that needs something easy to work with, a table saw will be the best.

Can the band saw replace the table saw?

These two types of saw ideally do more or less the same work. Even so, none of them can completely replace the other. There are several things that a band saw can, which a table saw will not do, and vice versa; as such none of them can completely write the next one off.

What do you use a bandsaw for?

A bandsaw is one of the many power saws that we have today. It comes with a long and sharp blade that consists of continuous band toothed metal that’s stretched in between two or even more wheels. Band saws are used for lumbering, woodworking, and also metalworking.


Anyone who is spoiled for choice on the band saw vs table saw should remember one thing, none can completely replace the other. So if you are debating between choosing the band saw or table saw, you should focus more on the tool that meets your needs.

As a woodworker, you want to have a versatile tool that makes your work easy. Remember, both saws are fixed and will not move around. As such, they are both used within the workshop and nowhere else.

So make sure that you choose a model that will give you an easy time. I often advise my readers to list their needs down first before they purchase an ideal saw for their use. This makes it easy to buy a saw that’s compatible with your needs.

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