It’s not surprising that for many a reason, we need to cut different sized holes in the tile depending on the various work type. While many people consider cutting a hole in tile as a tough task, the reality is quite the opposite. Right tools and knowledge will make your tile cutting job as easy as you can imagine.
So, for your convenience, I came up with the most comfortable way on how to cut a hole in tile. We have covered all the possible steps so that even a newbie realizes the process crystal clear.
How to Cut a Hole in Tile: the Perfect Way
Every time I open my mail, I get flooded away with questions like what tools are necessary to cut a hole in tile? Does it require great skill? And how many times does it take?
Well, I thought that the best way to answer these questions is to show you all a practical session on how to cut a hole in tile with detailed steps.
So, get, set, and go.
Necessary tools:
- A pencil marker
- Chisel and hammer
- Alternatively, a coping saw
Finding the Perfect Tool
The perfection in cutting a hole depends on the selection of the right tool. While there are numerous tools available in the market, not all of them are worthy of providing the best cuts in a tile. Some of them are also so expensive that they leak humongous money from our pocket. So, what do we do then?
Here’s an easy solution- always choose tools that you may access at ease. Like, I have selected chisel, hammer, and coping saw, which is easily gettable around us. Since drilling hole requires less time and skills, these tools are useful enough for the job.
Protection: Never Avoid
In my career, I have found people mostly ignoring the safety issues as they operate with a tile. But this is extremely harmful. So always wear protective gear to avoid any accidental happenings. At least wear safety goggles, hand gloves, and hearing aid to protect your sensitive organs.
Now that you are ready with all guns blazing, let’s move on to the next step.
Marking the Exact Location of The Hole
Now, it is crucial for a perfectly cut hole. At first, carefully examine the place where you need to create the hole in a tile. If it is for a pipe, take the tile close to the tube until the tile hits the pipe.
Then, use a pencil marker, preferably grease pencils to mark the area. Now, create a circle around the marked field to cut the hole. If you need to create a larger hole, mark the space accordingly.
Creating A Hole in Tile Using Chisel and Hammer
Chisel and hammer are the most ancient tool yet effective enough to make a tile hole. It is the simplest of machine that you will get.
- At first, place tape on the hole you want to cut through. In case, the hole has less visibility, mark the area on the tape.
- Now use the drill bit, preferably the masonry one, to make holes measuring less than 0.25 inches or 0.64 centimeters approximately. While operating with the drill, apply mild pressure on the tile so that it doesn’t break up.
- Once you make the hole, the glaze will hold the circle firmly to help it stay without falling. So, use a chisel to get rid of the enamel.
- In case there isn’t any chisel near you, use a hammer. However, using the hammer to clear out the glaze is extremely tough. Slowly tap the mallet around the hole with gentle pressure. Otherwise, the tile might get damaged.
Making A Hole in Tile with A Coping Saw
Coping saws are nowadays one of the most popular saws to accomplish different herculean tasks. Although cutting a hole isn’t such gigantic work, yet the use of a coping saw is worth it.
- Likewise, the cutting with a chisel, put a piece of transparent tape on the hole to get better traction.
- Secondly, drill a small pilot hole on the edge of the circle or large hole that you want to cut in the tile. As you use the drill, operate it with gentle pressure and lower speed.
- Now, put the tile in a clamp so that it holds tile tightly and let you do the rest.
- Open one side of the blade of the coping saw to use it for cutting purposes.
- Place the open blade on the edge of the hole.
- Move the saw up and down to make the hole. Be careful not to cut your hand.
- Lastly, use thin sandpaper to remove any wear and tear in the hole.
That’s all. Your all necessary hole is ready for use.
You may alternatively use a hole saw. The process of making a hole in the tile may be done using a wide range of tools. It depends upon your preference. Thus, we recommend you to use our experience and brevity to make a hole in the tile.
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